College athletes deserve fair wages

College athletes have been playing under a corrupt economic model since the creation of the term “student athlete.” In 1953, NCAA commissioner, Walter Byers, adopted the term amidst a lawsuit by Ernest Nemeth in regards to lack of wage compensation. At that time, according to the Taft-Hartley Amendments (1947) to the National Labor Relations ActContinue reading “College athletes deserve fair wages”

NCAA adopting ‘Fair Pay to Play’

Since Governor Gavin Newsom signed the “Fair Pay to Play” Act into California law on September 30, congressmen in Ohio, North Carolina, Florida and other states have started to introduce similar legislation and put the pressure on the NCAA. Since then, the NCAA has announced that they are passing legislation that will allow players toContinue reading “NCAA adopting ‘Fair Pay to Play’”

“Fair Pay to Play” Act Just a Beginning

On September 30, Gavin Newsom, governor of California signed the “Fair Pay to Play” act into law after it unanimously passed through the legislature. This law will go into effect on January 1, 2023, and allow for college athletes to profit off of their likeness in jersey sales, video game representations, monetized Youtube channels, orContinue reading ““Fair Pay to Play” Act Just a Beginning”

Nike Hypocritically Advocates to ‘Dream Crazier’

Following the release of Nike’s “Dream Crazy” ad in September 2019, Nike started an ad campaign to inspire disenfranchised groups, including women and people of color. Five months later, Nike published “Dream Crazier,” an ad featuring solely female athletes, using the image of the US Women’s National Soccer Team, specifically Megan Rapinoe, and other prominentContinue reading “Nike Hypocritically Advocates to ‘Dream Crazier’”

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